We’d like to invite you to sponsor the enhancement of the Fawakih 6-level Quranic Arabic curriculum (12 total semesters). This curriculum has been developed over the span of a decade with over 1 millions dollars worth of investment. This has not been an ivory tower exercise, it's been developed and revised by leading scholars and instructors while being taught in 100 Quranic Arabic courses to 1000 students in 10 states. The impact has been tremendous. Not only in the students, who often share their life-changing stories themselves, but also in changing the culture of learning Quranic Arabic in the United States. Fawakih’s ‘multiplier effect’ strategy has produce over two dozen Quranic Arabic instructors, who having learned the curriculum, teach it to many more on campuses as professors, in schools as instructors and principals, and in private home and community settings as parents and educators.
Each sponsor takes the responsibility of the 10K in cost of a complete enhancement of one of the binders. This amount can be donated through easy monthly plans or one-time, over 1 or 2 years. (Click to read dedication, also found in front of binder)
2018-2019 Sponsors
1. Dr. Sajjad Hussain & Family (Indianapolis)
2. Omar Khawaja & Family (Pittsburgh)
3. Drs. Shamaila Waseem & Family (Indianapolis)
4. Dr. Qaiser Rasheed & Talia Alvi (Iowa - VA)
5. Rasheed Family siblings (Multiple)
6. Mike Sanford (VA - CA)
7. Drs. Moazzam & Shehla Habib (Indianapolis)
8. Dr. Omar Ali, Zahra Kassam, & Family (Boston - San Fransisco, CA)
9. To be determined
10. To be determined
Fawakih has established an endowment accounts through Saturna Capital and UBS in order to invest donated funds, the returns of which (5% annually) to be used towards sponsoring top-notch instructors of Quranic Arabic in perpetuity. The capital from these funds will be preserved and can be dedicated to the memory of a loved one or an inspirational figure in history. These instructors will teach through Fawakih’s network of courses across the country as well as on university campuses and seminaries through accredited partnered courses.