Reinforce your understanding of the concepts discussed in the lesson. Click the appropriate link (more instructions are given in the reinforcement quiz itself). When you finish taking the quiz, you will see your quiz results (a copy will be emailed to you).
Reinforcements quizzes are strongly recommended for those who score less than 70% on the primary quiz or would like to take these to review prior to an exam.
Lesson 1 Reinforcement: Types of Words | Detached Pronouns | al-Fātiḥa
Lesson 2 Reinforcement: Definite & Indefinite | Past Tense - 3rd | Ṣalawāt al-Ibrāhimiyya
Lesson 3 Reinforcement: Gender | Past Tense - 2nd | al-Nās
Lesson 4 Reinforcement: Singular, Dual, Plural | Past Tense Review | al-Adhān
Lesson 5 Reinforcement: Adjective Phrase | Present Tense - 3rd | Entering & Leaving Mosque
Lesson 6 Reinforcement: Nominal Sentence | Present Tense - 2nd | al-Tashahhud
Lesson 7 Reinforcement: Pointing Nouns | Present Tense Review
Lesson 8 Reinforcement: Iḍāfa | Attached Pronouns | Wuḍū'
Lesson 9 Reinforcement: Prepositions | Command Verb
Lesson 10 Reinforcement: Verbal Sentence | Review of Verbs
Lesson 11 Reinforcement: Noun Endings | Morphological Pattern
Lesson 12 Reinforcement: Applying Your Knowledge | Doer and Receiver Pattern
ALTERNATIVE FINAL EXAM (for those who score less than 70% on original)
Lesson 1 Reinforcement: Tahajjud Du’ā’ | Sūrat Al-Fātiḥa | Types of Words | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 1
Lesson 2 Reinforcement: Du’ā’ for Light | Sūrat Al-Falaq & Al-Nās | Definiteness | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 2
Lesson 3 Reinforcement: Du’ā’ of Prayer | Sūrat Al-Masad & Al-Ikhlāṣ | Nominal Sentence/Sandwiched Nūn/Attached Pronouns | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 3
Lesson 4 Reinforcement: Du’ā’ Qunūt #1 | Sūrat Al-Naṣr | Verbal Sentence | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 5-6
Lesson 5 Reinforcement: Du’ā’ Qunūt #2 | Sūrat Al-Kāfirūn | Present Tense Verbs/Negating Verbs | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 7-8
Lesson 6 Reinforcement: Du’ā’ for the Deceased | Sūrat Al-Mā’ūn | Relative Pronouns | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 9-10
Lesson 7 Reinforcement: Khatm Al-Qur’ān | Sūrat Al-‘Aṣr | Prepositions/Types of Plurals | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 11-12
Lesson 8 Reinforcement: Miscellaneous Du’ā’ | Sūrat Al-Fīl | Past Tense Verbs | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 13-14
Lesson 9 Reinforcement: Morning Adhkār | Sūrat Al-Qāri’ah | Adjectival Phrase/Non-Human Plurals/Doer & Receiver Patterns | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 15
Lesson 10 Reinforcement: Du’ā’ Before Sleep | Sūrat Al-‘Alaq | Command Verb | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 16
Lesson 11 Reinforcement: Du’ā’ for Help Against Oppressors | Sūrat Al-‘Alaq | Direct Object | Qissat Ibrāhīm Ch. 17
Lesson 12 Reinforcement: Khutba Al-Ḥāja | Sūrat Al-Tīn | Sun & Moon Letters | Sūrat Al-Anbiyā’ Verses 52-69