Fawakih has pioneered a leading 6-level Qur’anic Arabic curriculum that has been proven to be effective after being tested on over 1500 students and enhanced based on their feedback as well as input from dozens of experts and leaders.

Fawakih is now offering its curriculum, experience, and instructor training to institutions that would like to build their own Qur’anic Arabic program. Initial pilots for these ‘Fawakih Powered’ programs have included the University of Chicago, Hartford Seminary, and the Lighthouse Mosque founded by Imam Zaid Shakir in California.

  1. MODEL: Selected institutions deliver the Fawakih learning system to their students through their own instructors. Fawakih provides tools, resources, and support, while the institution customizes for their students’ needs.

  2. ONLINE VS ON-SITE: Whereas Fawakih no longer teaches on-site courses, Fawakih Powered institutions are welcome to choose the vehicle of delivery that is best suited for their institution and its enrolled students.

  3. PLACEMENT: Fawakih places over 1000 students a year and thus utilizes its effective system to place the students belonging to the Fawakih Powered institutions as part of a courtesy service. The students are directed to www.fawakih.org/placement to start the process.

  4. STUDENT ACADEMIC RESOURCES: Fawakih provides students with an academic box in the mail which includes the binders (includes proverb, lesson, exercises, listening, and answer keys), a dictionary, a vocabulary journal, and other resources. Students also receive access to lesson-by-lesson quizzes, final exams (alongside recorded review sessions and reinforcement quizzes for edification), Fawakih’s 1000+ vocabulary built onto the Memrise language learning app, dictation and listening clips, and edited instructional videos for each lesson.

  5. TEACHER SUPPORT: Fawakih has a wide network of over 50 Qur’anic Arabic instructors, which include current and former Fawakih teachers (as well as graduates from the 6-level program) and can provide some basic recruitment advice and connections, as needed. Fawakih provides instructors with onboarding, an Instructor training program, and ongoing support. The instructors also gain access to the Fawakih lesson-by-lesson PowerPoints that drive the live learning, Kahoot gamified learning modules, as well as sample lesson videos to preview prior to teaching.

  6. FEES: The fee structure is customized to the institution. Either a fee is paid per student for access to the curriculum, testing, support, and resources, or the institution pays a curriculum licensing fee to allow them to teach the curriculum for a certain period of time.

Please fill out the Interest Form below to begin exploring a Fawakih Powered experience at your institution!