Surah Al Baqarah (Juz 1 and 2) full set flashcards
Surah Al Baqarah (Juz 1 and 2) full set flashcards
250+ Carefully curated Quranic Vocabulary words that align with Surah Al Baqarah, Juz 1 and 2.
The flashcards are slightly larger than a business card so they are easy to hold and even keep in your pocket to study on the run! Whereas Fawakih is known for the revolutionary and simple manner by which it breaks down Quranic Grammar and Morphology, vocabulary acquisition is the central to comprehension of any language.
They are carefully color coded according to the type of word (verbs, nouns, and particles) and unique in that they include verb conjugations and relevant plurals!
Learning the vocabulary in Surah Al Baqarah will unlock even more of the Quran, as they are selected based on frequency of usage and those appropriate for beginner Arabic students.
*** Anticipated arrival in May ‘25 ***