2B- Listening Clips
Goal: Complete listening exercises prior to starting 2B lessons
For each listening clip below, follow these steps:
Write down 2-4 words that you recognize (write in Arabic but transliterate if need be). Write down how many times you needed to complete Step 1 in your book.
Write down the gist of the clip or anything you understood about the subject matter. Write down how many times you needed to complete Step 2 in your book.
Fill in the blanks in your binder and and translate as much as you can. If you do not have a physical binder (you're ‘electronic-only’ mode or haven’t received it, you can simply write these out on a notebook. This will give you extra writing practice, but you can always reference the binder fill-in-the-blank exercise for some help!
4. Review and correct self-paced video session or live with instructor
5. Take quiz
Listening Clips
Lesson 1: Salams (1 min 43 sec) CLIP
Lesson 2: Salawat I (2 min 8 sec) CLIP
Lesson 3: Dhikr (2 min 3 sec) CLIP
Lesson 4: Adhan & Iqama (3 min 17 sec) CLIP
Lesson 5: Extra Prayers (2 min 34 sec) CLIP
Lesson 6: Duha Prayer (2 min 33 sec) CLIP
Lesson 7: Night Prayer (2 min 38 sec) CLIP
Lesson 8: Reciting Quran (2 min 14 sec) CLIP
Lesson 9: Friday (2 min 43 sec) CLIP
Lesson 10: Masjid (2 min 50 sec) CLIP
Lesson 11: Eid (2 min 09 sec) CLIP
Lesson 12: Sunnah of Naming (2 min 59 sec) CLIP