The most recent 3A Binder publication is the 6th edition. This edition includes corrections to the errata listed below from the 5th edition. A PDF of the 6th edition can be accessed by clicking the black button.
If you find errors that are not pointed out on this page please email If you can include a picture that would be great, if not please indicate clearly where it is found. Thank you for your support!
3A Binder 5th Edition Mistakes:
1. (06/15/2020)
PG 12: 2. Accusative chart A. should be “Not Attached to a Verb” not “Attached to A verb” and B. “Not Attached to a Verb” should be “Attached to a Verb” - switch places.
2. (06/15/2020)
PG 18: Exercise 1B #8: Qur’an Reference is NOT 10:75 it is 107:5
3. (06/15/2020)
PG 28: Exercise 1E #6 : Qur’an Reference is NOT 3:125 it is 5:115.
4. (06/15/2020)
PG 33: Line 3, first word : not يَخا فوهم, it should be يُخافوهم
1. (1/16/2022)
PG 55: Line 4, the laam in لـها should have a fatha, not a kasra.
2. (1/18/2022)
PG. 47: Exercise 2E, #10:
1. (12/9/19)
PG 84: Exercise 3A. Jussive Mood Exercises has the following translation errors:
PG 98: General Vocabulary Note. The bottom note should say المفعول المعه, NOT المفعول المطلق
2. (11/02/20)
PG 105: Exercise 5C. Form V Principle Parts Line #3 مَصْدَرٌ column should be as shown in picture:
3. (2/25/22)
PG. 105/109 Exercise 5D #5 - The meaning of تَبَيَّنَ here is “to become clear” which is a reflexive meaning, and not the meaning of “seeking.”
1. (2/27/22) Students are not expected to be able to answer 7B #1, 2, 10. These can be skipped by students and will be removed from future editions of the binder.
2. Students can access THIS DOCUMENT to see further analysis of each exercise in 7A and 7B.
3. Students can utilize THE EXCEPTION NOTES DIAGRAM to aid in thinking about exceptive sentences.
4. PG. 146 Exercise 7B #2 - this should be labeled as مُفَرَّغ (i.e. incomplete negative)
1. (2/27/22)
PG. 204 Text Analysis - Note the following errors:
Line 1 - the word عاد should be مَرْفوع (i.e. عادٌ) not عادًا
Line 3 - the word الأَصْنام should be مَنْصُوب (i.e. الأَصْنامَ) not الأَصْنامِ
Line 3 - the word تَنْفعُ should have a fatha on the ف (i.e. تَنْفَعُ) not تَنْفِعُ
Line 10 - the word وَرَقَة should end in dhammatayn (i.e. وَرَقَةٌ) not وَرَقَةُ
1. (3/14/22)
PG. 210 Vocabulary List - the plural of ذُو القُرْبَى should be ذَوُوْ القُرْبَى (with a dhamma on the first و). The binder incorrectly lists a fatha on the first و.
1. (3/22/22)
PG. 236 - The phrase highlighted below should be corrected as shown:
2. (12/5/22)
PG. 233 - The example “original word” should be be لُجّ (without a ي at the end of the word).
Lesson 12
1. (12/5/22)
PG. 253 - the translation for نَخْل should be date-palms (plural with “s”).