The most recent 2A Binder publication is the 6th edition. This edition includes corrections to the errata listed below from the 5th edition. A PDF of the 6th edition can be accessed by clicking the black button.
2A Binder 5th Edition Mistakes:
(7/22/20) PG 21: Exercise 1B, #5 "The in-law hit the owner of the land" is translated
ضَرَبَ الحَمُ ذا اليد
In this sentence حم is not a مُضاف, so it takes a regular dhamma to indicate that it is مرفوع.
(7/22/20) PG 27: Forming Meanings From Noun Patterns أَحْسَنُ means “better/best”, NOT just “best”.
(7/22/20) PG 36: Translation Exercise: The sentence should be “Pharaoh dreamed that he saw (lit., saw)”, NOT “Pharaoh saw”.
(7/22/20) PG 42: “ رَجَعَ” has both transitive (to return) and intransitive (to return sth) meaning.
(7/24/20) PG 54: Header should be “COMPARATIVE” in both columns, NOT “SUPERLATIVE”.
(7/24/20) PG 58: “3A: Sentence Rewrite” Exercise #5 translation should be “for many things”, NOT “for everything”.
(7/24/20) PG 70: “Did you Know?” section; ayah # should be (89:21-22), NOT (20:8).
(7/24/20) PG: 72 “4B: Identify and Rewrite” Exercise #6 ayah # should be (21:23), NOT (21:22).
(7/24/20) PG 83: The chart below should have اِعلمَّ , NOT اععلَّ :
lesson 5
(3/8/22) PG 96: Questions #4 & #6 - In both sentences the word بضع is the مبتدأ of a new sentence and the <mubtada and khabr> of the new sentence together is a جملة اسمية - which takes the place of khabr of the initial مبتدأ.
(7/24/20) PG 97: The ف before كُلا should also be circled as a connector.
(7/24/20) PG 104: “5D: Verb Summary” Last example “to punish” --> Verbal Noun should be “تَعْذيبٌ”, NOT “عَذِّبْ”. Command Verb should be “عَذِّبْ”, NOT “تَعْذيبٌ”.
Lesson 7
(3/8/22) PG 139: Question #1 - The answer key should read لَنْ يَرَ and not لَنْ يَرَى. This is due to the irregular nature of the verb رَأى. Students are not expected to know this at this stage and the question will be changed in future editions of the binder.
(3/8/22) PG 147: Exercise 7F Question #4 - The word رِسالَة should end in a fathatayn (رِسالَةً).
(3/8/22) PG 149: The vocabulary word for “staff (stick)” should be spelled عَصا not عَصى.
(3/8/22) PG 156 & 158: Question #8 - The verse reference is 2:24 not 2:23.
(7/28/21) PG 171: The toweling is incorrect below in the binder:
(1/27/22) PG 188: The verb غضب (line #3) should be voweled غَضِبَ (with a kasra on the ض, not a fatha)
(8/4/21) PG 222: The answer key is incorrect. The د on عدم should have a fatha, not a sukoon.
Corrected in video (with fatha)