The most recent 5B Binder publication is the 2nd edition (V2.2). This edition includes corrections to all errata listed below. A PDF of the 2nd edition can be accessed by clicking the black button.
Lesson 5B (V2.1) Errata
If you find errors that are not pointed out on this page please email If you can include a picture that would be great, if not please indicate clearly where it is found. Thank you for your support!
[12/26/22] PG 26: In the paragraph that begins أَوَّلُ مَنْ دَوَّنَ, the word مختلف in the phrase في مختلف كتبه should have a single dhamma on the م (not a tanwin dhamma)
[1/9/23] PG. 35 - The verse number in Question #9 should be 12:91, not 85:4.
[1/16/23] PG 56: The translation for exercise #6 should be: “And to Moses Allah spoke directly.”
[1/7/23] PG 57: The translation for verse 5:117 is incorrect. Here is a translation: “But when You took me, You were the Witness over them.”
[2/13/23] PG. 143/145: Question #2 is missing necessary information which has been added below:
As a result, the answer key should say: