Textbooks (Individual)
Textbooks (Individual)
Fawakih has six levels: Beginner (Levels 1 and 2), Intermediate (Levels 3 and 4), and Advanced (Levels 5 and 6), each giving you access to about one-third of the Qur'ān. Within each level, there is an "A," "B," and "C" component. In the "A" component, the focus is acquiring tools of the language needed for the rest of the level. The "B" component increases familiarity with the language by putting the tools to work to explore your surroundings. Finally, the "C" component helps brings everything together to refine your understanding, while prepping you for the next level of the journey.
Each component/textbook has 12 lessons. A typical lesson includes:
1. Vocabulary lists to build your Qur’ānic fluency
2. Succinct lessons to explain key concepts of Arabic structure
3. Exercises to practice lesson concepts
4. Answer keys to determine accuracy
5.Testing, Videos, FAQs (with monthly subscription)
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Description of *new 4C Textbook
The 4C textbook can be thought of as bridge content which provides students with extra practice of key grammar concepts, Quran recitation, and reading comprehension. Here is a brief description of each component of the textbook:
1) Grammar Review: Students read the "Matn al-Ājurrumiyya," a famous classical grammar text that covers foundational grammar and morphology concepts studied in Levels 1-4. The text is accompanied by explanations, charts, and exercises with answer keys. This provides a solid review of all major grammar before moving onto Rhetoric in Levels 5 and 6.
2) Recitation Review: students review major recitation rules needed to engage the Quranic text through reading of the Tajwid primer poem "Tuhfat al-Atfal". The poem is accompanied by examples of the rules and Quranic passages for application practice.
3) Reading Review: students will develop their reading comprehension and vocabulary through translation of ahadith. The 80 ahadith are sorted by grammar topic and are organized by length (starting with ahadith that are a few words long and building up to lengthier passages).
PREVIEW of *5C Textbook (RELEASE: FALL 2024)
1) Quran Analysis of Surat al-Baqara 🐄 (first half). Thus far, the Fawakih curriculum has focused on much of Juz 'Amma (the end of the Quran), we now turn our attention to the 'beginning' of the mushaf. The 5C textbook covers the first half of al-Baqara, whereas the 6C textbook covers the second half. Along with curated tafsir extracts, the text introduces the basics of the Qirā'āt (Quran recitations), Surat al-Baqara is full of interesting recitation differences.
2) Review of Balagha concepts extracted from Surah Baqara, which is full of rhetorical devices.
3) Text analysis of Hadith Selections that are connected to Baqara or topics discussed within the verses from Baqara.
2C Textbook (RELEASE: Spring 2025)
2C will cover foundational Tajwid principles + Quranic Analysis of Surah Yusuf + Text Analysis of Ahadith taken from Al-Arba'in An-Nawawiyyah, all reinforcing Level 2 concepts.
2C fine-tunes foundational Tajwid principles building on 1C with Quranic application to improve recitation and understanding, along with extensive Quran Analysis of Surat Yusuf, along with application of Level 2 concepts in new Text Analysis passages. It also previews concepts from Level 3 with additional Quranic vocabulary to build skills.