Our curriculum empowers students with the skills to access the Quran in its original language, thereby growing spiritually and intellectually.

Images Below Clickable

**Please note that beginner writing & speaking components are not currently offered in the online course, the primary focus is comprehension and translation.*


Grammar: Extract profound insights from how Arabic sentences are formed

Morphology: Unlock depths of meaning from just one word

Text Analysis: Finally read and understand short surahs and dua in Arabic

Listening: Tune your ears to comprehend Quranic recitation and common dua

Quran Analysis: Bring short surahs to life by analyzing the language

Text Analysis: Expand vocabulary and fluency through stories in the Quran

In just a few short months I noticed a difference in my reading and understanding of the Quran.
— Ibi, Washington DC Student

*Note, engrade no longer utilized to input grades except in certain university-partnered courses. Students receive quiz and exams scores directly without any delay! YouTube recordings are now also available of all live classes within 24-hours of the class.


’18 Cohort

I really enjoyed my experience learning Quranic Arabic with Fawakih. The program is organized and professional. I was able to learn in the comfort of my own home. I loved using the Memrise App to learn new vocabulary. The instructor was very knowledgable and helpful. I feel more confident in learning Arabic after taking a course with Fawakih.


  • The only comprehensive 6-level Quranic Arabic curriculum (see below) taught in English

  • Integrated system, including 500 online self-graded tests, workbooks, and a vocabulary app

  • Taught in over 10 states in 100 courses to over 1000 students

  • Developed over a decade by Quranic Arabic experts and scholars from leading universities

  • Produced many Quranic Arabic instructors and sought after by US seminaries and colleges

Academic Coach

Fawakih's Academic Coach helps students falling behind or needing to make up work. These expert coaches are responsive while instructors teach, giving you the support needed to overcome learning obstacles. Fawakih Academic Coaches are highly qualified, often Arabic and Religion Professors or Phd Candidates at leading institutions, yet are selected due to their ability to motivate, encourage, and help students overcome obstacles they face on the journey.

The Quran doesn’t have to be inaccessible; the resources are right here. We just have to be willing to drink from the well. I’ve had the privilege of studying Arabic with Fawakih. The curriculum is what I wished I had when I did my Arabic minor in college. The texts we work with all serve to enhance our understanding of the Quran, ahadith, and lives of the Prophets ﷺ for the purpose of ultimately knowing God to the extent possible.